Rules Acceptance - Rules, including published rules in print or on the website www.MongoOffshore.com, are subject to change. It is the sole responsibility of the participating anglers, captains, crews, and guests (“Participants”) to know and abide by the Tournament Rules as published. By entering the Mongo Offshore Challenge and paying entry fees, Participants agree to abide by the Tournament Rules and accept decisions made by the Rules Committee as final. The MONGO Offshore Challenge has the right to refuse entry of an individual or team. The MONGO Offshore Challenge has the right to disqualify without refund; an individual or team from the competition if the committee discovers any cheating, or misconduct towards other teams, weigh stations, or tournament rules.
Nature of Tournament -The Mongo Offshore Challenge is a fishing team competition. Participants enter at their own risk, and understand the possibility exists that there may be no winners if no qualifying fish are caught.
In the event no qualifying fish are caught in a given Tournament category, the Tournament category entry pot will be rolled over to the following year. Teams are required to re-enter the rolled over category in order to compete for that pot for that year.“
"Optional" bonus category pots will be refunded less 15% if no qualifying fish are caught in the “optional” bonus category.
In Good faith - In any unforeseen man made events, or Acts of God, major regulatory changes, fishery closures etc. that could affect the schedule or categories of the tournament. The tournament committee will act in good faith and take all efforts to make fair and equal decisions that could affect the tournament our participants and sponsors.
Anglers and Team boats - There is no limit to the number of anglers on a team. Team members can change, however, if the owner of the (team boat) decides to use a different boat than registered during the season, then the Mongo Tournament committee needs to be notified in writing and approved in order to roll the MOC entry fees onto the (new team boat). One entry per team boat. The owner cannot use 2 team boats at once for 1 tourney entry. The owner can use 2 team boats for 2 tourney entries.
All entry fees must be paid in full, and funds cleared prior to May 1, 2024, to be entered in the Tournament.
Cancellations -100% refunds will be made prior to May 1, 2024, No Refunds for Cancelations after May 1.
Winners and Prizes - Official Winners will be announced on October 1, 2024, All Cash Prizes will be paid to winners by their choice either by check, or wire transfer only (USD).
Prize money is equal to entry fees minus 15%.
Permits, Licenses & Judging - Judging in the Mongo Offshore Challenge is based solely on tournament rules. Teams are encouraged to comply with all Federal and State laws regarding fishing licenses, size limits, bag limits and any other regulations that may apply. For information regarding State laws and regulations refer to your state’s regulation departments. For information regarding Federal, HMS Permits call 877.376.4877 or refer to hmspermits.noaa.gov.
Weather – Participants fish at their own risk, teams are urged to make sound decisions utilizing marine forecasts to assist and taking in the seaworthiness of their own vessel solely deciding on their own when it is safe for their team to fish.
Fishing Days, Times, and Boundaries – Fishing starts 12:01 am (Central time) May 1, 2024, Fishing ends September 30, 2024, must be at a MONGO weigh dock by 7:00 pm in your Division.
Fishing Boundaries:
Gulf Division -Gulf of Mexico, areas North of (Lat 25 N)
East Division- Up to 250 miles East of shore – Cape Cod, Ma south to Key West, Fl.
Florida Atlantic swordfish - Atlantic waters Jacksonville to Key west Florida out 50 nautical miles from Florida coast.
Equipment & Angling Rules - The MONGO Offshore Challenge tournament organizers expect the highest level of integrity and sportsmanship from their Participants and for them to compete in the “spirit” of the IGFA, although not strictly enforced without observers on each boat.
MONGO approved tournament weights -Official weights from MONGO approved tournaments are excepted, and we will defer to that tournaments tackle and angling rules to qualify those fish. (MONGO approved tournaments are tournaments that are annual established tournament events that use certified scales and have weigh master and spectator witnesses.)
East division TUNA special rule - We will allow the rod to be passed to more than one angler for BIGEYE and Yellowfin categories in the East division.
SWORD FISH special rules - (Gulf/ East division) -Electric assist reels with a handle can be used ONLY if unplugged from power source while fighting the fish. Gunnel hand crank is allowed, darts are allowed, no drift jug or buoy fishing, fish must be caught on rod and reel.
BLUE MARLIN END GAME - Blue Marlin end game needs to be captured on video. The Videos should be emailed to or uploaded to a given drop box account within 48 hours after weigh-in. Teams are encouraged to use their best conservation efforts to ensure not killing short or underweight tournament legal fish.
“Let the small ones go so they can GROW” -
Eligible Species, Disqualification & Points - Blue marlin minimum length 118 inches, from tip of lower jaw to fork of the tail. Fish caught not according to tournament rules are disqualified. Fish cannot be transferred onto another boat. Fish under minimum weight and/or length do not qualify. *Mutilated fish, mutilation defined as anything that impairs the fighting ability of the fish, like shark bites and propeller trauma are not eligible to weigh. Small cookie cutter shark bites may be accepted upon approval of tournament committee. Fish’s internals may be inspected to ensure no hidden foreign objects were added for weight.
MONGO Minimums:
BLUE MARLIN - 118 inch (tip of the lower jaw-fork of tail)
SWORDFISH - 200 lbs minimum
TUNA: Bigeye or Yellowfin (No Bluefin) -150 lbs minimum (Gulf Coast)
TUNA: Yellowfin (No Bluefin) -100 lbs minimum (East Coast)
MAHI MAHI - 40 lbs minimum
WAHOO - 60 lbs minimum
Check out and Weigh process: Check out for a Mongo fishing trip by using the MONGO Mobile App, follow instructions under your team account to (start trip) check out prior to your trips. (remember to complete trips if you don't weigh one for that trip) If for some reason you are having technical difficulties with the App, you are allowed to text or email a picture or video of your crew, and of your GPS position, with time and date shown when checking out for a trip.
**Official certified and published weights from Gulf and East Coast MONGO approved tourneys will be accepted-
Official Weights used from a tournament - info needed:
Tournament name
Length if blue marlin
Date, time
Angler name, and Team name
And photo of fish , and fish and team if possible.
Use your MONGO Mobile APP to score your fish. If you’re having any issues with the App, you can Email the information to the MONGO email- or text info - 850-776-8384 or 850-384-9452 within 48 hours of weigh-in
To weigh a Mongo at a Mongo approved weigh dock-
Please Try to Call, text, or email to notify a MONGO Offshore Challenge tournament committee crew member and your chosen MONGO weigh station when in route to weigh dock, arrive between 3-5pm daily. (Unless otherwise granted special approval by Committee and or weigh dock). Text photos of fish to MONGO in route if possible. USE your MONGO MOBILE APP to upload weight score and photos. Record 2 witnesses names and phone numbers that were not on your vessel.
With 2 witnesses, weigh, take a length and a girth measurement of your fish photo and enter info in APP.
Weigh your fish on a certified weigh scale. ( Teams should be prepared to weigh their MONGO on their own with the provided marinas certified scale unassisted, as marina employees may be assisting other patrons )
Take a picture of your MONGO with official weight visible.
Be sure to upload 2 Witneses (name, email, and phone number) to the MONGIO app or text to 850-776-8384 or 850-384-9452
IF YOU CANT USE THE MOBILE APP, for some reason, you may Email or TEXT your weigh pictures and info : mongobluemarlin@gmail.com –
850-776-8384 or 850-384-9452 within 24 hours of your trip.
Your weight info and pictures will be reviewed by the MONGO weigh committee and if approved updated to the MONGO leader board daily.
Teams may keep their fish, but MONGO Offshore Challenge reserves the right to inspect all weighed fish, MONGO Offshore Challenge can assist in the removal of any Marlin weighed in and accept donations of unwanted unspoiled fish which will be donated to charity. Please dont dump marlin carcasses irresponsibly. -
***Please make every effort to respect the Marina weigh stations property, rules, policies, employees and patrons while visiting and weighing in your MONGO. The tournament is dependent on the Marinas participation and allowing us use of their weigh docks.
Weighed fish tie-breakers – In the event, there is a tied official weight in a category, the team who has arrived at a official weigh dock first wins.
Polygraph Examination - MONGO reserves the right to require winners to submit to and pass a Polygraph examination. Failure to comply or failure of the test results in disqualification of the entire team. Disqualified teams forfeit all entry money, prizes or prize money and, at the discretion of the Rules Committee could be refused entry to future MONGO Offshore Challenge events. In the event the winning team fails a Polygraph examination the second-place team will be considered the new winners and will have to submit to the same Polygraph rules.
Release of All Claims -
This section must be carefully read by each Participant.
In consideration for being accepted for participation in the MONGO Offshore Challenge (the “Tournament”), the Participants hereby release, forever discharge, and agree to hold harmless the Tournament, The MONGO Offshore Challenge ; MONGO Offshore LLC ; any MONGO approved weigh docks ; or any approved MONGO Gulf coast, East coast or Hawaiian islands tournaments; and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, volunteers, partners, members, and/or attorneys (collectively the “Releasees”) for any and all losses, claims, or demands of any kind or character whatsoever arising from the negligence or gross negligence of the Releasees or from any other cause connected with or occurring during the Tournament. The Participants expressly acknowledge that he/she has received, reviewed, and agrees to abide by the Tournament Rules and this Release. Furthermore, the Participants expressly acknowledge that activities relating to deep-sea fishing are extremely dangerous and involve the risk of serious injury or death. Having so acknowledged, the Participants hereby assume full responsibility for the risk of bodily injury or death due to the negligence or gross negligence of the Releasees or any other cause connected with or occurring during the Tournament.
Disputes - All disputes, protests, claims, differences or controversies relating to any aspect of the Tournament, including, without limitation, Tournament Rules, must be submitted to the MONGO Offshore Challenge Rules Committee no later than (24) hrs. following the close of scales on the last day of the disputes tourney month (5pm central) or are deemed waived. All such disputes must be presented in writing along with a non-refundable fee of $1000. All such disputes shall be decided by the Rules Committee and shall be final and binding upon all parties.
Photo & Video Release - The Participants specifically agree and consent to the use of any photograph, video or audio recordings, or MONGO Offshore Challenge related Blogs, or interviews in which they appear or are heard, by the Tournament, MONGO Offshore Challenge; MONGO Offshore LLC; for any purpose whatsoever including, but not limited to, resale, advertising, and promotional material without compensation or restriction of any kind.
Binding Arbitration - In the event the MONGO Offshore Challenge Rules Committee cannot render or refuses to render a final and binding decision with respect to any dispute, protest, claim, difference, or controversy under review, the matter shall be resolved by binding arbitration under the commercial arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association. The decision rendered in arbitration shall be in writing and shall be final and binding upon all parties. The parties shall have no further recourse, except as provided for by the commercial rules of the American Arbitration Association. Once the decision is rendered, it produces the effect of “res judicata” and the parties shall fully comply with the decision without delay. The participants specifically waive any right to a trial by judge or jury.